About Me
name: lola
birthday: 5/24
locale: nashvegas

At the Moment...
At the Moment...
eating: cookie dough eggrolls
singing: New Slang by The Shins
watching: Elimidate
feeling: temporary
drinking:sweet tea
craving: a hug


old molly

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Tuesday, December 07, 2004
I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow morning with my dad. I'm super excited.
A grand time will be had by all.

I'm cleaning out my life. Sort of a detox if you will. I deleted like 30 numbers from my phone the other day. It was nice.

So, if I haven't talked to you in more than a month, or seen you in like six months, then you just got cut out of my life. Sorry. Life is too short to be wasted scrolling through phone directories, or to waste it reading someone's online journal, when they could care less how you are doing.

I'm sick of the polite conversations that end after 4 lines. Those four lines go like this.
A: Hey, how are you doing?
B: Pretty good, and you?
A: I'm good too.
B: Well that's good.

Conversation over. Sometimes you may even double that length by asking about school, but honestly, I don't care how anyone's schooling is going. No one cares about mine.

I found a house I like. It is beautiful. With any luck, I'll be living there soon.

I'm happy. I'm happy and nonsensical. With no time to waste on the petty things.

You are the petty things.

I'm glad I made it here.

~me~ at 9:51 PM