About Me
name: lola
birthday: 5/24
locale: nashvegas

At the Moment...
At the Moment...
eating: cookie dough eggrolls
singing: New Slang by The Shins
watching: Elimidate
feeling: temporary
drinking:sweet tea
craving: a hug


old molly

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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Anyone want a Gmail invite?

You know you wanna be cool and have Gmail...

Oh, and Tammy. What the crap is the BOING for? I'm lost....
And thanks sister. That means a lot to me.

~me~ at 8:08 AM

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Apparently only five people read any of what I write, so I really want to thank my only five.
Thanks Tom, Tammy, Sister, Lindsey, and Diane.
Maybe if more people read, then I'd write more.

Sometimes I wish I was back in Memphis. Being in college is so much easier than.. not being in college. But then I think about how I'd really be (and yes I know it is impossible to know what everything would be like), but I really do think I am better off this way. Things are still seeming like they are in transition right now, but I think once I get next semester in order, things will fall in place.
I have lofty goals for this next year, and I really hope I accomplish them.
I may be getting an apartment next summer or fall, and I might be rooming with some girls from Sonic, so let's hope that works out.

I love you all.

And I salute Diane. She's a trooper. I've never mentioned her in this blog, yet she is a dedicated reader. We should all be more like her. I name today, Diane day.

~me~ at 11:22 PM

Monday, September 13, 2004
I'm eating cheerios, and you know what that means.
It means that I had a revelation that I have kept you all out of my insanely exciting life for far too long.

To make sure everyone is on the same page, here I go. I will start at the very beginning, which is a very good place to start.

It was a good summer, I loved summer staffing so so much, and I found nine new best friends in the (now freshman) girls I was with. They are some of the greatest fourteen year olds in the world. They might even be as cool as I was when I was fourteen. I love seeing them every Sunday and Wednesday at church, and I think they like me too. So, Hannah, Lauren, Susan, MaryEllen, Caroline, Megan, Emily, Abby, and Danika, you guys are the greatest. I also loved the people I worked with. All of my fellow summer staffers were great people, and I enjoyed being alongside them for most of the summer. I was closer to some than others, but that's just how the cookie crumbles, ya know? It been real Rachel, Lane, Sarah, MaryFrances, Susanna, Cherilyn and Leslie Ann, JLowe, DG, Andrew, Barrett, Brandon and Bo. Really, I only hung out with a few of you on a regular basis, and there is more to come on that later in the entry. Anyways. Good summer churchwise.

I worked a lot. Somewhere between 40 and 60 hours a week, so let's just say 50. Sonic was a busy place this summer. I made money, saved a little,and shopped a lot. I got a promotion to assistant manager, and now have ten hours of managing under my belt. And yes, it is rude to ask how much I get paid, or how much I make in tips. It wouldn't be so bad if this were an after school job or something, but this is all I've got right now. This is me in the real world, and you'd never ask anyone else how much they got paid. So now I'm back to working a lot, and I love it. I love the people I work with too. And lately, there have been a lot of doors opened for me to talk about religion with a lot of people there, and it's been so great to talk to people in all different points in their lives, whether they are sophomores in high school, general manager of a store, or a fifty year old carhop with the attitude of a twenty five year old. I'm really working on building some more relationships at work, so I have a better grasp on how to approach people. I just really hope that doors continue to be opened. Along with this, I have a prayer request. I really want to be joyful always, and that is hard to do. It is hard to have a really bad morning, and come into work and have a Christlike attitude. It is hard not to get frustruated with people, just because they don't work the same way you do. But just because it is hard, doesn't mean that I shouldn't do it. I am called to have challenges, and I am called to follow through with the challenges and convey a Christlike attitude. I want to get along with everyone. I want to love everyone and show it.

I had a lot of fun this summer. I worked every day, and went out with people every night. And this is where a lot of controversy occured. I learned a lot about myself this summer and about relationships, that I hope I never forget, and that will help me to evaluate future relationships, and place a value on the ones that will always be there, and to place a somewhat different value on the ones that won't. The ones that I consider summer relationships. I had a lot of fun this summer, and I'm sure I will next summer, and all the other summers that people are in town for. I lost touch with some of my friends in Memphis, but I rekindled some high school relationships. I began new relationships this summer. I ended new and old relationships. It was a roller coaster of a summer, and I never new who I was going to be friends with the next week. Everyone flaked. I flaked. And I hung out with some people more than other. I realized that I liked boys a whole whole lot more than girls. I realized that I really shouldn't date for a long time. Maybe one day, God will have this awesome guy prepared for me, but that day isn't now, and I should quit trying to adapt God to my plans, and rather let Him adapt me to His plans. His are better than mine after all.

That paragraph was long enough, so I had to use the enter key. Friendships. Well, they were there, I can't say they are anymore. I had a best friend this summer. We hung out everyday, whether it be me killing him in scrabble, or us just watching Sportscenter at his apartment. If I was out of town, we talked. If I worked all day, and we didn't hang out, we'd talk. He really was my number one friend this summer. Funny how now I talk to him once every week or two. We'll say it's my fault. I'll accept the blame. All of his friends came back into town, school started and I was pushed out of his view. It's worthless for me to be upset over losing a friend. It won't accomplish anything to complain anymore, and tell everyone how upset I was. So I've moved on. I'm cutting relationships that don't help me grow. They aren't worth it. The bottom line is, that if you aren't helping me grow, and I'm not helping you grow, then there is no point. We can still be summer friends, or winter friends, or wahtever you want to call it friends. But I'm not going to invest in it. I'm sick of it being just what it is. Temporary.

Anyways, I'm not in college anymore. I'm taking a semester off. Usually when I tell people this, I get the "oh....". You all know what that sounds like. Tonight I got the greatest response ever from a minister at my church. The conversation went like this...
Sam: Hey, how are you? You brining home great grades from school?
Molly: Oh, actually I'm taking a semester off.
Sam: Why are you doing that? (and he didn't even try to hide his feelings about it)

I hope to learn a lot this semester. I hope to grow a lot. I hope to help others grow. I hope to attend Belmont in the fall. I hope I can follow God's plans.

I love all of you for shaping me into who I am today, and all I can ask for now is your prayers. Thanks so much, and I will love to pray for you. I will be doing it constantly, and let me know if there is anything specifically I can lift up.

How's that for an update?

~me~ at 1:28 AM

Friday, September 10, 2004
Emily Simpson didn't really break her foot. She has an extra bone, and that's what they saw. It's actually just a really bad sprain.

In other news, I manage for the first time tomorrow, and I'm skurd.
Wish me luck.

I need to shower and rest and shop!

~me~ at 1:50 PM

Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Emily Simpson broke her foot.

One of the managers at Sonic found my site. Hi Phillip!

I am going to Hawaii in December.

~me~ at 9:51 PM

Thursday, September 02, 2004
A guy at work thinks I'm pregnant.
No matter how many times I tell him I'm not, he just won't believe me.

In other news, I'm an assistant manager now.

Anyone want to go on a Molly date sometime?

~me~ at 8:41 PM